The Digital Takeover: Digital Ad Spends in 2019
It’s finally happening. The thing marketers have always anticipated, but very few have openly admitted: Digital Marketing has finally taken over ‘conventional’ marketing avenues like radio, television and newspapers – at least in the US. But it won’t be taking much longer elsewhere either.
In 2018, US marketers spent roughly the same on both – digital & traditional advertising – around the $110 billion mark. However, according the digital insights leader eMarketer, 2019 is going to show digital emerging as a clear winner with advertisers spending almost $20 billion MORE on digital ads than placements on TV, radio or newspapers. It gets even better (or worse – depending on where you stand). By 2020 this difference is going to more than double – with marketers investing $44billion MORE on advertising on Facebook and Google than they will on other media. And by 2021, the digital ad industry spends will be almost TWICE that of non-digital advertising expenditure.

You can see where it will go from here.
Close to home, digital advertising expenditure grew a whopping 30% Y-o-Y in 2018. In a report released by GroupM, the advertising behemoth predicted that digital spends would cross Rs. 12,000 crore in 2018 – making it the highest growing avenue among others. More interestingly in second place is Cinema whose Y-o_y growth (20%) is a good 10 percentage points behind digital marketing. Print and television logged the lowest scores – with 4% and 13% Y-o-Y growth predictions respectively.
More importantly, almost half of India’s population – close t0 500 million now has access to the internet1. Half of these have access to social media. That’s almost 250 million2 Indians who could be seeing your products ad as they browse Facebook right now. And this is by 2018 estimates.
In 2019 there will be slightly over 351 million3 Indians who use social networks , (Youtube, Facebook & messaging app Whatsapp being India’s favourites) and in two years this number is estimated to cross the 400 million mark. What’s more, over 90% of these is on Facebook. Facebook is set to have almost 313 million Indian users in 2019 and by 2022 it will have more than 400 million Indians.4 This will make India the country with the largest Facebook user-base. Facebook penetration in India too, is set to rise to 25% by 2020 and cross 30% by 2023.
It is abundantly clear: digital is not just here to stay – it is likely to be the last man standing – and quite possibly in your business’ lifetime. Indian advertisers today can simply not afford to underestimate or ignore the role of digital media – particularly Facebook. If you haven’t yet harnessed this digital energy for your business – it is imperative you do it NOW. We will show you HOW.
Give us a call to discuss your social entrance, and let us help you do it in style.
1. Economic Times: Internet users in India expected to reach 500 million by June: IAMAI
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2. Statista: Digital population in India as of January 2018 (in millions)
3. Statista: Number of social network users in India from 2015 to 2023 (in millions)
4. Number of Facebook users in India from 2015 to 2023 (in millions)